Allen Qing Yuan


Rain, Rain, Go Away

It often rains on me
It’s not something I pay for regularly,
Since it doesn’t even wash
The pane
Of the window

Rather, the psychic clouds cry for me
As my own sympathetic companions

The rain leaves,
Now and then,
Attending to its own matters
But it’s really inside me, always

Sometimes the rain overdoes it,
Showering me with its “gifts”
When I don’t really feel that way

But maybe if I pay,
The Rain will go away



Allen Qing Yuan, born in Canada and aged 16, currently attends high school in Vancouver and, encouraged by his poet father Changming Yuan, has had poems published or forthcoming in more than 20 literary journals across nine countries, which include Cannon’s Mouth, Contemporary American Voices, Istanbul Literary Review, MOBIUS, Ottawa Arts Review, Spillway and Taj Mahal Review. This poem was inspired by the constant rainy weather in Vancouver, the phrase ‘feeling under the weather’, and the classic nursery rhyme ‘Rain Rain Go Away’.